Come and Play, at Misfit Cabaret!

Misfit Cabaret is a splendiferous variety show centered around magical music with a rotating cast of eccentric performers. Each show is completely different- with changing themes such as the cult filmed Cinephilia and the naughty nautical Whimsea. From burlesque to drag to circus to magic, you never know what you're going to see (or getting yourself into)! For each new Misfit Cabaret, emcee Kat Robichaud writes two (sometimes three or four) original songs keeping with the theme of the evening and plays them with her band, The Darling Misfits, as well as a special medley to kick off the evening and welcome in the spirits of San Francisco's saucy past. There's comedy, romance, and bawdiness around every corner and not a dull moment or dry eye in the house. So come and play with us and befriend a local underground miscreant. Who knows! They might whisper to you when the next secret Misfit Cabaret is!

We're all from oppressive towns
They call us lost, but here we've found
A place where we can be ourselves
Whatever that may be

And if you want to, we can do
Whatever you want to
Just as long as you can pay the rent (fuck)
We'll burn through this city
No appy-polly-loggies
And slink back home when all our money's spent
(But let's not think about that right now)

— Kat Robichaud